It is never a good feeling when you receive a referral from Janet Nickels, Human Services Program Manager-Flagler County two days before Thanksgiving regarding a family of five living in their car, but homelessness has no calendar or holidays. With the assistance of the Volusia/Flagler County Coalition for the Homeless (VFCCH) Outreach Worker, Flagler Cares was able to respond quickly to assist the Jacob family.
Flagler Cares is a recipient of a HUD ESG-COVID grant for Rapid Rehousing (RRH). This type of funding is intended to assist newly homeless individuals and families in finding and funding housing when the family has been impacted by COVID-19. The fund can provide security deposits and partial rents to assist clients in remaining housed.
The client had picked up additional shifts at work as well as begun her search for housing. By working with a local property owner, she was able to locate a rental unit for her and her four children (ages 7, 10, 12, 16). She had worked hard to save enough money to pay her own utility security deposits, but she needed assistance with her security deposit for her rental. The RRH grant was able to provide this support.
To facilitate the acceptance of RRH funds, landlords must cooperate in the process. The local property owner supported the family’s tenancy and worked closely with RRH to get them placed quickly. Flagler Cares’ staff inspected the property quickly and the family moved into their new home on December 9th. The family will now be able to celebrate and create memories for their 2020 holidays.